How much does a Lobster cost?

East Neuk Lobsters have a well deserved reputation as being of the highest quality and are much in demand.

The price of lobster varies throughout the year with the lowest prices being in late Spring and Summer and the highest prices being in Autumn and Winter.

The main reason for the higher prices in Winter is that the landings are much lower due to challenging weather conditions and the fact that as the water becomes colder, the lobster move around less.

How much does a lobster weigh?

When you select a weight of lobster, it is the live weight. We prepare all our lobsters to order. If you select a cooked lobster, expect a weight loss of 12-15%. If you select a cooked, split and cleaned lobster you should expect a weight loss of 15-20%

Lobsters in Scotland

Lobster fishing is carefully managed in Scotland. All lobsters are creel caught. The minimum landing size is strictly adhered to and berried lobsters (females with eggs) are carefully returned to the sea, thus maintaining a healthy, sustainable lobster population.

Health Benefits from Eating Shellfish as Part of a Balanced Diet

Shellfish are naturally low in fat and rich in protein. They are a source of -

Selenium - which helps the immune system work properly and helps prevent damage to cells and tissue.

Zinc - which helps in making new cells and enzymes, processing carbohydrates, fat and protein in food and helps with wound healing.

Iodine - which helps make thyroid hormones.

Copper - which helps to produce red and white blood cells and helps trigger the release of iron to form haemoglobin.

Shellfish are also a good source of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B12 which can help to prevent heart disease and promote a healthy brain and immune system.

(www.nhs.uk - Live Well, Eat Well, Fish and Shellfish Nutrition 2023)